BD Kiestra Lab-automation

Afbeelding: © BD Kiestra

KIESTRA Lab Automation introduced the concept of Total Lab Automation for the clinical microbiology lab in 2006. Since then, many laboratories have chosen to implement this modular, scalable and open architecture solution.

With the acquisition of KIESTRA Lab Automation B.V., BD now offers this proven technology as the BD Kiestra™ Total Lab Automation solution. It is designed to increase efficiency, streamline processes and to provide a new way to deliver high quality, consistent results with a fast turn-around time.

Building on the experience and expertise developed over many years, BD is committed to becoming your thinking partner and delivering the right automated solution for your lab. We offer complementary and modular microbiology workflow automation solutions from small bench top units, all the way to fully automated track-based automation systems from medium-size to extra-large laboratories.

As the BD Kiestra™ Total Lab Automation solution is customizable and forward compatible, we are able to tailor the system according to your needs — taking into account your lab’s space, specimen volumes, workflow and future ambitions.


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